Re: ora-01000 and dbms_session.set_edition_deferred(:1);

From: Chris Stephens <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 12:25:09 -0500
Message-ID: <>

i should also mention that these session are all connecting to same db resident connection pool. when i look at what each session w/ large number of open cursors is currently doing, event is "pool server timer". still trying to find exactly what that means.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 11:10 AM Chris Stephens <> wrote:

> Oracle 12.2.01 running on Oracle Linux 7.5.
> open_cursors = 700
> 5 node RAC system but we only have a single instance running at the moment.
> Client program makes use of cx_Oracle v5. v6 complains about their code
> not closing cursors. That's obviously the root of the issue and will need
> to be fixed.
> However, for every session i have observed hitting the 700 open cursor
> limit, the only SQL_ID bound to all of the open cursors is
> "dbms_session.set_edition_deferred(:1);". There is nothing in the code that
> explicitly runs that statement.
> I'm not even sure what question(s) to ask other than has anyone else seen
> similar issues related to code that doesn't properly manage session
> cursors? We know what the long(ish)-term solution is but are there any
> suggestions on how to deal with the problem while we work to actually fix
> it? I'm hesitant to increase open_cursors to buy more time but I can't
> really think of anything else at the moment.
> chris

Received on Fri Sep 07 2018 - 19:25:09 CEST

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