Analyzing MySQL Workbench files

From: Stéphane Faroult <>
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2017 20:16:56 +0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi listers,

I mentioned some time ago that I was writing a tool to analyze (and grade) database models submitted as a .mwb file. I'm obviously readying myself to teach a database to 200 Chinese students this Fall (lecturing never was the problem ...) but I believe that it can be also used as a feedback tool for whomever uses MySQL Workbench. The present version performs 17 different tests; of course, it says nothing of the suitability of the model for any purpose but it will report on many too common mistakes.

It's here:


S. Faroult

Received on Sun Aug 13 2017 - 14:16:56 CEST

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