Re: Rac clusters node exchange

From: Martin Berger <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 16:31:47 +0200
Message-ID: <>

There are probably other methods as well. If node B and node D are "quite similar" regarding hardware type, maybe it's enough to swap boot disks & cables. But it depends on the nodes and the skills of your HW/OS responsible team members.

best regards,

2016-06-28 6:16 GMT+02:00 Rodrigo Mufalani <>:

> Hi,
> I have a customer to intend exchange two clusters nodes between
> clusters (oracle 11g
> Cluster 1 (node A, node B)
> Cluster 2 (node C, node D)
> Goal: move node B to cluster 2 and node D to cluster 1.
> The customer database team are asking me, if there is any other
> supported way to do this task without using and
> steps. My question is, there is any other supported method beyond add and
> delete node?
> [ ]'s
> #mufalani
> Desculpe por erros! Este e-mail foi escrito do meu smartphone!
> Sorry for typos! This mail was written from my smartphone!!!
> --

Received on Tue Jun 28 2016 - 16:31:47 CEST

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