sql statement help

From: John Jones <john.jones_at_duke.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:58:14 +0000
Message-ID: <BN3PR0501MB1203FABA20505453F4F7B70AEFA90_at_BN3PR0501MB1203.namprd05.prod.outlook.com>

I have about 150 databases that I need to run a query in to find out if certain users exists or better yet do not exists.

I have 5 users ops$john, ops$dave, ops$mark, ops$ken, and ops$lee. I need to run a SQL statement that would let me know if any or all of those users do not exists in the all_users table. How do I write a SQL statement that would allow me to pass that list of users and list those that are not there.

My boss is asking for a report like this and I have no idea how to write such a thing. I have not written SQL in years and stumbling to provide an answer.

Any SQL guru's have suggestions?


Received on Fri Feb 12 2016 - 18:58:14 CET

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