FGA and BY SESSION auditing

From: James Clarence Allen (CENSUS/EAD FED) <James.Clarence.Allen_at_census.gov>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 13:37:55 +0000
Message-ID: <BLUPR09MB088A656D149E4144F6310F9BC340_at_BLUPR09MB088.namprd09.prod.outlook.com>


I'm running

I have been able to set up FGA to mimic by session auditing for specific tables.

But to audit SELECT on a table, I have to create a policy for each table. Is there a way

to set up FGA for the schema. I haven't been able to get a schema level"audit select"

 on the schema to work.

James C Allen, Section Chief, MASSDB

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Received on Fri Oct 09 2015 - 15:37:55 CEST

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