11g RAC TAPI/Custom services : how to query in data dictionary

From: Dba DBA <oracledbaquestions_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 12:40:27 -0400
Message-ID: <CAE-dsOJXG4wOPVEL38bJvwO5PZjUPQGK_sE_ja_37mgL18Odng_at_mail.gmail.com>

3 Node cluster

I used srvctl add services to create a number of custom services that run on one node and failover to another node. I am trying to find a data dictionary query to report on it. I have most of it below. I cant find the right view/field that tells me what the primary and failover nodes are. Docs call them by slightly different names.

gv$services.inst_id tells me where they are 'right now'. However, I also need which node is priamry and failover so I can keep track of these. We have alot of them in several different instances. srvctl status service is not a practical way to report on this. i would have to take the long output run it repeatedly for each service and stick it in a spreadsheet.

I am thinking this has to be in the data dictionary. I have hunted through any views with the word 'SERVICE' in it. Anyone know?

Below are the srvctl add service flags I am trying to report on.

-r : primary (preferred_list)
-a: failover (available_list)

I need this to keep track of them and to verify they are correct.

select b.inst_id,


from dbA_services a, gv$services b
where a.service_id=b.service_id


http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-l Received on Tue Jul 14 2015 - 18:40:27 CEST

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