Re: JDBC Thin Driver and Tomcat

From: Stefan Koehler <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 21:24:54 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kevin,
at first RAC and JDBC Thin is usually not a good idea (e.g. no TAF support). For example you can use FCF with UCP for Tomcat instead. Martin Bach described this in his book "Pro Oracle Database 11g RAC on Linux" ( ) on page 589.

> As you can see, I'm using a TN-like string to list all three nodes. Have I put the LOAD_BALANCE setting in the correct place?

I assume you are using SCAN listeners (maybe with DNS round robin??), so usually no need to. Workload management settings should be done at server service side (= Server-Side Load Balancing) nowadays. The whole topic is also covered in Martin Bach's book "Pro Oracle Database 11g RAC on Linux" on page 573. Please also be aware that only clients (or newer) support SCAN (MOS ID #1150835.1 & #1365631.1).

> Have I put the LOAD_BALANCE setting in the correct place? The intention is that the driver sends queries to each node instead of sending all of the
> queries to a single node.

As i previously mentioned "Workload management settings should be done at server service side (= Server-Side Load Balancing) nowadays". The functionality you are looking for is load based FAN events (on page 585 in Martin's book).

> If a RAC node goes down and then comes back, will the driver recover and start sending queries to that node again?

Depends on the connection pooling and used client/server technology.

I highly recommend Martin's book for setting up HA RAC infrastructures / applications properly.

Best Regards
Stefan Koehler

Freelance Oracle performance consultant and researcher Homepage:
Twitter: _at_OracleSK  

> Kevin Hale Boyes <> hat am 20. Mai 2015 um 19:26 geschrieben:
> I'm setting up a new Tomcat 8 server and configuring the database resource connections.
> I'm running Tomcat 8 on JDK 8 (1.8.0_45) and using ojdbc7.jar (or ojdbc7_g.jar).
> The oracle server is: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
> It's a RAC configuration with 3 nodes in the cluster.
> I have the following Resource entry:
> <Resource
> name="datasource"
> auth="Container"
> type="javax.sql.DataSource"
> factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
> driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
> defaultAutoCommit="false"
> testWhileIdle="false"
> testOnBorrow="false"
> testOnReturn="false"
> validationQuery="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"
> validationInterval="30000"
> timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="5000"
> minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="30000"
> initialSize="35"
> maxActive="100"
> minIdle="35"
> maxIdle="100"
> maxWait="300000"
> removeAbandoned="true"
> removeAbandonedTimeout="60"
> logAbandoned="true"
> jmxEnabled="true"
> username="username"
> password="password"
> url="jdbc:oracle:thin:_at_
> )
> )"
> />
> One of my questions has to do with the url setting. As you can see, I'm using a TN-like string to list all three nodes.
> Have I put the LOAD_BALANCE setting in the correct place?
> The intention is that the driver sends queries to each node instead of sending all of the queries to a single node.
> Is there any way for me to verify that it's working? i.e., can I see what host the driver is connected to for sending a query?
> I cranked up debugging on the driver and see a host name associated with a AUTH_SC_SERVER_HOST property but I only see that when the connection
> pool is being initialized. When I send a query I no longer see a host information.
> I've also read a bit about the (FAILOVER=ON) setting and am unsure if it's supported or what it will do.
> If I change the connection string to:
> url="jdbc:oracle:thin:_at_
> )
> )"
> What will adding the FAILOVER part do?
> If a RAC node goes down and then comes back, will the driver recover and start sending queries to that node again?
> Thanks,
> Kevin.

Received on Wed May 20 2015 - 21:24:54 CEST

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