Re: impact in performance of unused database options installed

From: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:54:11 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Rich.
Recently, last two years, we had started to have a lot of serious problems upgrading to 11gr2, we are always upgrading the customers we have (more than 50 database in total), there were so much problems we decided to export and import the data through expdp. So it was a need to try to avoid that problems, specially in text and intermedia options.
And the surprise was an improvement in performance, so that is the reason I asked if reducing options, the performance has important improvements in performance.

2014-10-20 13:40 GMT-04:00 Rich Jesse <>:

> Niall replies:
> > Finally there are a bunch of notes from metalink where absent or
> partially
> > installed features themselves cause upgrade issues.
> It's not just partially installed features, but some fully-installed ones
> as
> well. It doesn't look like that's stated/implied in MOS 870814.1, but it's
> buried somewhere in MOS.
> Having spent the pain of upgrading 10.1 to 11.2 with what I'm guessing was
> an accidental DBCA all-options install, OLAP was the worst. The
> "deinstall"
> scripts just don't work. I had to open a few SRs and eventually amend
> Support's fixes to actually get it to go away. Thank Goodness those DBs
> are
> now out of Production and my nice clean new ones on new servers have taken
> over.
> For a list of MOS articles on how to deinstall options, see
> :)
> Rich
> --

Received on Mon Oct 20 2014 - 19:54:11 CEST

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