Re: Can a deferred FK constraint cause "enq: TX - row lock contention" in Share (4) mode?

From: Thomas Kellerer <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 07:50:16 +0200
Message-ID: <>


> Are there LOB(s) in the table being updated?

No LOBs in the table (and thus none being updated).

> I think CURRENT_OBJ# is set equal to -1 before being updated by the process with the
> actual object number (some of the sampling just caught it before it was populated).

Hmm, it's nearly half of the waits. Could it really be that?  

> Are the rows being updated "clean"?
> (thinking it might be deferred block cleanout and/or transaction rollbacks?)

You might be onto something. The AWR report (that led me to investigate the UPDATE statement) shows the following:

Statistic                                                  Total     per Second    per Trans
cleanout - number of ktugct calls                         189,612      52.55       6.07
cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets             62,875      17.43       2.01
cleanouts only - consistent read gets                      40,159      11.13       1.29
transaction rollbacks                                          37       0.01       0.00
transaction tables consistent read rollbacks                    1       0.00       0.00
transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied      1       0.00       0.00
user commits                                               28,799       7.98       0.92
user rollbacks                                              2,437       0.68       0.08

The report covers 60 minutes

> Can you trace the update in question?

Unfortunately not.


Received on Fri Jul 04 2014 - 07:50:16 CEST

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