RE: Question about changing GI Home

From: Tyfanie Wineriter <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:09:03 +0000
Message-ID: <9843B4DDAEB5BE42B2A704DE21AFBD62FEBBF0_at_ad-cc-mbx02>


I've never done the Grid Home Move below, but I have removed then reinstalled Grid into a new directory before. It was my test cluster so I don't know what kind of downtime you'd experience, and I had to tell Grid about all my databases, services, listeners, and instances after the reinstall (via srvctl), but it did work successfully.

I actually did a presentation at Collaborate14 about the reinstall, and the things I would suggest recording out of Grid before the reinstall. If you're interested, I can send you my presentation, which had all the notes in it. It's not a step-by-step reinstall guide, but it might help with finding what gotchas & caveats you may want to look into before doing your move, in case the move doesn't work & you have to reinstall.

~ Tyfanie Wineriter ~

Database Administrator
University of Oregon
1212 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97402-1212
(541) 346-1366

From: [] On Behalf Of Deas, Scott Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 8:11 AM
To: ORACLE-L ( Subject: Question about changing GI Home


Hoping someone has run through this before and can provide some of their experiences.

We had a contractor (no longer with us) who performed an install of GI on a Red Hat Linux 6.4 cluster (2 nodes) into an directory structure (/u01/app/grid/

Well, now we want to upgrade from to and are trying to find the cleanest way to do this. Some ideas have included wiping the host (not preferred), de-installing GI, moving binaries and performing brand new install (as if the original never existed).

A co-worker found the following document from Oracle that talks about changing the GI home path, which seems like the simplest way to do it:

We'd shut everything down, follow the instructions, modify some of our profiles and oratab, and then we could run our to upgrade like normal.

So, is this really as easy as the referenced document makes it seem? What are the caveats and gotchas we should know before going into this?

We're setting up a sandbox environment to test this, but any insight from past experience would be greatly appreciated.


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Received on Tue May 27 2014 - 19:09:03 CEST

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