Re: Preventative measures against slow V$RMAN_STATUS queries

From: Ethan Post <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 09:47:55 -0500
Message-ID: <>

(sorry meant to replay-all, re-sending)


Just wondering where you are seeing this. Is it only your query or a system initiated query which causes the problem to show up? Is there a query I can run to test for the problem? How bad is the performance?


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Rich Jesse <
> wrote:

> Hey all,
> The performance problems on the V$RMAN_STATUS fixed view is at it again for
> me, this time on on AIX 7.1. I've got a bunch of new DBs that
> I've
> created (and still creating more) and one of them had performance problems
> last night with the view. Collecting fixed stats has appeased the
> performance for now.
> MOS 1464844.1 recommends:
> exec dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats(null);
> exec dbms_stats.DELETE_TABLE_STATS('SYS','X$KCCRSR');
> exec dbms_stats.LOCK_TABLE_STATS('SYS','X$KCCRSR');
> My thoughts on this:
> 1) I need to address my stats collection of fixed objects.
> 2) Is there a downside to deleting/locking the stats on X$KCCRSR as part of
> my DB creation script?
> My gut tells me that the lock-stats workaround will come back to bite me
> someday, but trying to come up with a more stable/elegant solution while in
> the middle of an ERP implementation isn't high on my priority list.
> Thoughts?
> TIA!
> Rich
> --

Received on Thu May 01 2014 - 16:47:55 CEST

Original text of this message