FW: mapping a GTT to space usage in the Temp Tablespace

From: Chitale, Hemant K <Hemant-K.Chitale_at_sc.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:43:41 +0800
Message-ID: <0BDF2A25A09ADD40908745EEFC0A0FB601890339_at_HKMGAXMB103A.zone1.scb.net>

I am too quick at reading the output.  

Session SERIAL#49681 has 1 GTT and Session SERIAL#8017 has 3 GTTs (one with the same name as that in the first session).  

So, it is actually 3 GTTs but one of the GTTs has two instances in two different sessions.  

Hemant K Chitale    

From: oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org
[mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org] On Behalf Of Chitale, Hemant K Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 2:26 PM
Subject: FW: mapping a GTT to space usage in the Temp Tablespace  

Correction : I have 3 GTTs in use but four entries in v$TEMPSEG_USAGE.

Hemant K Chitale

From: Chitale, Hemant K
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 2:23 PM
Subject: mapping a GTT to space usage in the Temp Tablespace

I can identify a Global Temporary Tablespace consuming space in the Temp tablespace by querying V$SORT_USAGE / V$TEMPSEG_USAGE. It appears as a row with CONTENTS='TEMPORARY' SEGTYPE= 'DATA'

If I have multiple GTTs being used by a single session , how do I identify which entry in V$TEMPSEG_USAGE is which GTT ? I Need to "size" the GTTs and cannot use DBA/USER_SEGMENTS.

For example , the session with SERIAL#49681 is currently using 4 GTTs. SQL_ID doesn't help because it is the SQL_ID of the last SQL from the session.


  1* select * from v$tempseg_usage where tablespace='HEMANT_TEMP'


USERNAME                       USER

------------------------------ ------------------------------
---------------- ----------- ---------------- ---------- -------------


------------------------------- --------- --------- ----------
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
HEMANT                       HEMANT
000000742D7717B8       12387 000000740D009DB0 2978105261 0890n6fss4jxd

HEMANT_TEMP                TEMPORARY LOB_DATA        1050    1127424
1        128       2

HEMANT                       HEMANT
000000742CC87A28       49681 0000006EC8CA75B8 4269071746 0j88ahzz79rc2

HEMANT_TEMP                TEMPORARY LOB_DATA        1050    1163776
1        128       2

HEMANT                       HEMANT
000000742CC87A28       49681 0000006EC8CA75B8 4269071746 0j88ahzz79rc2

HEMANT_TEMP                TEMPORARY DATA            1050    1162240
544      69632       2

HEMANT                       HEMANT
000000742D36DE50        8017 0000006ED576DE00 2252965756 2j2xhw634m1vw

HEMANT_TEMP                TEMPORARY DATA            1038    3917184
1031     131968       1

HEMANT                       HEMANT
000000742D36DE50        8017 0000006ED576DE00 2252965756 2j2xhw634m1vw

HEMANT_TEMP                TEMPORARY DATA            1038    4045056
516      66048       1

HEMANT                       HEMANT
000000742D36DE50        8017 0000006ED576DE00 2252965756 2j2xhw634m1vw

HEMANT_TEMP                TEMPORARY DATA            1038    4063744
518      66304       1

Hemant K Chitale

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Received on Thu Mar 13 2014 - 07:43:41 CET

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