Re: Real life implementation of 7 year data retention requirement

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:13:28 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <>

Paresh replies:

> The point about compatibility and cost is very important. Isn't it
> necessary by law with so many businesses to retain 7 years of data? What do
> people do in this case? In many places that I know of (including fortune
> 100 organizations) there is a 7 year retention policy for backup in place

Thinking about it, I guess we have a tiered approach for our ERP data. We have our primary production DB with a 3+CY (current year) retention. Every year, we archive off applicable data older than 3 years to a separate online Oracle DB. And while we haven't hit it yet, the plan for that archive DB is to spin off data older than "so many" years (probably that magical 7) to offline media. Retention past that is yet to be defined.

7 years of data online. Older data...will take some time, but at least it's available if really really really needed.

Just a thought. Your business needs will vary. :)


Received on Thu Feb 13 2014 - 22:13:28 CET

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