Re: Difficult / Impossible Request

From: <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 03:06:33 -0000
Message-ID: <3F693110014F49C186B43C6417FD8903_at_NAUTILUS>

Hi Scott,
I wrote a free tool called DataWalker to dump data from and examine Oracle data files. HTH,

From: Scott Canaan
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 7:13 PM To:
Subject: Difficult / Impossible Request

We have been given a .dbf file by a sys admin that says that he needs us to be able to recover the data that’s in the file. Apparently, there was a problem with the original system that the database was on and he could only save the one .dbf file. All he knows about it is that it was Oracle 9i, not even which release of 9i. He does not have the system tablespace, only the application data tablespace, assuming that the .dbf file contains all of that. I’m not even sure what O/S it was, other than a flavor of Windows.

We have not been able to come up with a way to read this .dbf file. Does anyone have any idea of how to get this data into a database or a way to get the raw data out of the file?  

Thank you,  

Scott Canaan ’88 (

(585) 475-7886 – work                (585) 339-8659 – cell 

“Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.” – Tom Lehrer  

Received on Fri Jan 31 2014 - 04:06:33 CET

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