Forms Builder 11g w. Xming

From: Patrice sur GMail <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 16:53:08 -0400
Message-ID: <>

I installed Xming, appears to work, can run xclock and xterm...

Can start Forms Builder on the remote (unix) server, do get the Object Navigator window to appear on my Windows7 desktop with the menu bar, but when I click on File to select a .fmb file, nothing happens. Ever. (Well, I waited half an hour to be sure).

I remember this happened to me before with Xming years ago, but didn't run into that problem when running with Exceed so I stopped using Xming.

Has anyone been able to run Forms Builder fully using Xming?

Received on Fri Jan 24 2014 - 21:53:08 CET

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