Re: Query writing

From: David Fitzjarrell <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 09:22:22 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

That's cheap.  I was expecting more like 25,000 hours.   :)

David Fitzjarrell

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:16 AM, Niall Litchfield <> wrote:

I''ll do it for $25 per hour (admittedly you might find it takes me 5000 hours to do it :) )

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Walker, Jed S <> wrote:

What is the rate per hour? 
> [] On Behalf Of Arif Gulzar
>Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 1:47 PM
>To: oracle-l
>Subject: Query writing
>Please forward me following 2 quires. Thanks in advance. 
>Q1: Given the following table of transactions in a cash register:  
>id| trade_time | amount  
>-- ---------------- ------  
>1| 06/16/2013 11:43| 52.00  
>2| 06/16/2013 11:50| 142.74  
>3| 06/16/2013 14:21| -43.89  
>4| 06/17/2013 12:50| 36.85  
>5| 06/17/2013 13:40|-523.58  
>please write a query which selects net daily turnovers (arithmetical sums of all transactions for a day) for all days when these turnovers are positive.  
>Q2: Given the following two tables:  
>clients (id (PK), name)  
>transactions (id (PK), client_id, trans_date, debit, credit, comment)  
>transactions.client_id references  
>please write a query which selects the balance for ALL clients, even if they have no transactions. (Assume initial balances to be zeros).  
>Sample table contents:  
>id name  
>-- ------  
>1 John  
>2 Mary  
>3 Alex  
>id client_id trans_date debit credit comment  
>-- --------- ---------- ------- ------- -----------------  
>1 | 1 06/16/2013 NULL 1000.00 SALARY  
>2 | 1 06/18/2013 516.43 0.00 MOB PHONE PAYMENT  
>3 | 2 06/16/2013 NULL 1000.00 SALARY  
>4 | 2 06/18/2013 200.00 NULL INTERNET PAYMENT  
>5 | 2 06/18/2013 500.00 0.00 MOB PHONE PAYMENT      

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA 
Received on Thu Dec 19 2013 - 18:22:22 CET

Original text of this message