Re: 12c grid control

From: Seth Miller <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 15:23:05 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I finished the upgrade from to last night. I ran into a number of issues that I will address in a blog post and an SR. Pete, you mentioned the repository patches for the database which I looked up before I started the upgrade and neither seemed to apply to my database. I'm on running on Oracle Linux 5.8 64-bit.

The first patch in the documentations is 8405205. However, when I look up that patch in MOS there is one for Linux 32 bit but not for Linux 64 bit for my database version.

The second patch is 6079038. This one is really confusing since a search in MOS shows that the last release for this patch was 2 years ago for

I struggled through the upgrade but I believe I have a clean system now. Are these patches only to prevent issues with the upgrade or will I run into issues in the future without them?

Seth Miller

Received on Tue Jul 02 2013 - 22:23:05 CEST

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