Re: Standy database on standard edition

From: Nuno Souto <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 22:18:49 +1000
Message-ID: <>

On 14/06/2013 9:37 PM, Patterson, Joel wrote:
> Its news to me. I don't talk to the vendor, or the client directly -- but doubt if I would argue against his licensing opinions even if I suspect they are misplaced. He says even sqlplus cannot be used...

That would indeed be a first in Oracle licensing! sqlplus is essential to start and shutdown and manage the db, even if OEM is being used. I suspect there is something else weird going on there. Perhaps the Oracle licensing was provided as an embedded part of a third party application from the supplier? If so, then indeed the licensing will be very restricted. As in: nothing but the kernel code will be licensed.

> ???
> Backups can be done by a 3rd party tool which could mean home grown or purchased I suppose -- but not rman... I'm just not going there, it is what it is.

Yeah, if it is an embedded license you'll need a third party tool for just about everything. Very weird, I didn't know Oracle was still doing that sort of thing. Was all the rage back in the 80s but people wised up after that.

Nuno Souto

Received on Fri Jun 14 2013 - 14:18:49 CEST

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