RE: Standy database on standard edition

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:03:05 +0300
Message-ID: <>

>On Behalf Of Jeremy Schneider
>but I think that

besides the process/workflow automation, you get another thing when you buy DG: LGWR mode instead of ARCH mode.

Basically yes, this is the most important feature, the synchronous log change shipping.
Pure man can implement synchronous file system/storage replication for at least redo logs but this solution gonna cost replication license. Yet such thing as Maximum Availability mode requires to implement a protocol which a) avoids split brain b) avoids data losss. That is doable based on heart beat but again, low level access to synchronization protocol is needed.

Received on Thu Jun 13 2013 - 15:03:05 CEST

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