RE: Designing a DBA interview process to validly measure candidate abilities.

From: Freeman CTR Donald <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 11:21:28 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Nearly my favorite topic. The way I think about is that the two counterbalancing traits are initiative vs. caution. I think in an interview you could describe some scenarios and try to determine which way the candidate leans. You don't want somebody who is so reckless as to bring disaster on the data center or somebody who is paralyzed and afraid to act. The good news is that experience tempers both traits. What I really hate is somebody says, "Nobody told me to do that." DBA work is no place for somebody that passive. I think a good DBA is more likely to be abrasive and questioning in conduct rather than the more quiet accommodating behavior appreciated in development teams. I'd rather a DBA tell me, "That won't work" than serenely observe impending disaster. I can tolerate an occasional, "I told you so!" because that means that the DBA isn't afraid of conflict and confrontation for the good of the enterprise.

I always ask a DBA where he gets his or her information. Whose books do you own? Which do you rely on? A good check to see how connected a prospective DBA is to see if they are on this list. I Google their name to see where they have been posting. One of my DBA's "complained" to me one time that every time he researched a question that he would find a post out there with my name on it. If they have a track record like that then they have initiative.

I'm pretty sure with some skillful questioning you can elicit exactly the information you are looking for.

-----Original Message-----

From: [] On Behalf Of fmh Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 10:15
Subject: Designing a DBA interview process to validly measure candidate abilities.

It is rather easy to measure a candidate's technical knowledge. However, having interviewed many many DBA's, I'm finding it difficult and less reliable to measure these 2 traits ...
1) Being self-driven and initiative to learn on his/her own. 2) Owning work and progressing to completion to best of his/her ability.

After being hired, inefficiencies on these 2 areas appear as the most common.

How do you validate these 2 traits in the interview process?

Thank you.


-- Received on Tue May 14 2013 - 17:21:28 CEST

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