Re: oracle 11g uses more CPU than 10g

From: Yong Huang <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 10:36:17 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

> The databases was upgraded from 10204 to 11203 version. After upgrade,
> we found that the CPU increased more than 30%.
> But buffer gets don't have much difference.
> These SQLs are very simple PK lookup & Nest Loop SQLs.

What if you run the same SQL with optimizer_features_enable set to in 11g and measure the CPU usage? Since you mentioned Nested Loop, could it be due to the new 11g NLJ mechanism?

You can test the effect of it by setting _nlj_batching_enabled to 0 and compare. The new NLJ batching is supposed to *save* CPU compared to 10g prefetching, especially on non-unique index access ( Not sure where the *more* CPU is used in your case. While changing the parameter value back and forth in your session, check more statistics, 'consistent gets - examination', 'buffer is pinned count', etc and of course SQL elapsed time as well as CPU time. If the SQL actually runs faster, a little more CPU usage may be worth it.

Yong Huang

Received on Fri Mar 08 2013 - 19:36:17 CET

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