ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)

From: Patterson, Joel <Joel.Patterson_at_crowley.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:03:30 -0500
Message-ID: <C95D75DD2E01DD4D81124D104D317ACA2321EF4533_at_JAXMSG01.crowley.com>

I have three examples of trying to send mail via UTL_MAIL. I wish the code block to run from a stored procedure as someone other than SYS. Does anyone know why the stored procedure fails if run by DBMON? Has anyone run across this already?

The analyst working the SR has filed a bug for oracle version on Solaris 10 - with the caveat that it could be the code block. I instinctively question this, but now the solution is in indefinite limbo.

The anonymous block succeeds as shown in #1, so one believes that the Access Control Lists are set up. UTL_MAIL has been granted directly to DBMON.

I thought at first that it was the 'execute immediate alter session' statement, but that succeeds in a stored procedure by itself as shown in #2, and it executes without errors as user SYS -- #4. This leaves #3.

Thank you,

  1. ----------- As user anonymous block succeeds.

DBMON _at_ lawdev90> alter session set smtp_out_server = 'jaxsmtp01.crowley.com'; declare
sender VARCHAR2(30) := 'DBAGROUP_at_crowley.com'; ccrecipient VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
bccrecipient VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
subject VARCHAR2(80) := 'Purge Audit Data: '; message VARCHAR2(1200) := 'UTL MAIL MESSSAGE'; header VARCHAR2(120) := 'UTL MAIL HEADEER'; mime_type VARCHAR2(30) := 'text; charset=us-ascii'; priority NUMBER := 3;
recipient VARCHAR2(30) := 'joel.patterson_at_crowley.com'; smtp_out_server VARCHAR2(30) := 'jaxsmtp01.crowley.com'; begin
UTL_MAIL.send( sender => sender, recipients => recipient, cc => ccrecipient, bcc => bccrecipient, subject => subject, message => message, mime_type => mime_type, priority => priority); end;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2. ----------- execute immediate by itself succeeds inside a stored procedure as user.

DBMON _at_ lawdev90> l
  1 create or replace procedure altertest as   2 smtp_out_server VARCHAR2(30) := 'jaxsmtp01.crowley.com';   3 BEGIN
  4 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION SET smtp_out_server = "'||smtp_out_server||'"';   5* END;
DBMON _at_ lawdev90> exec altertest

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

3. ----------- code block as stored procedure fails as user

DBMON _at_ lawdev90> create or replace procedure purge_test_with_exec_immed as  sender VARCHAR2(30) := 'DBAGROUP_at_crowley.com';  ccrecipient VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
 bccrecipient VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
 subject VARCHAR2(80) := 'Purge Audit Data: ';  message VARCHAR2(1200) := 'UTL MAIL MESSSAGE';  header VARCHAR2(120) := 'UTL MAIL HEADEER';  mime_type VARCHAR2(30) := 'text; charset=us-ascii';  priority NUMBER := 3;
 recipient VARCHAR2(30) := 'joel.patterson_at_crowley.com';  smtp_out_server VARCHAR2(30) := 'jaxsmtp01.crowley.com'; BEGIN
 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION SET smtp_out_server = "'||smtp_out_server||'"';  UTL_MAIL.send( sender => sender, recipients => recipient, cc => ccrecipient,  bcc => bccrecipient, subject => subject, message => message,  mime_type => mime_type, priority => priority); END;

Procedure created.

DBMON _at_ lawdev90> exec purge_test_with_exec_immed BEGIN purge_test_with_exec_immed; END;

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 654
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 671
ORA-06512: at line 1

4.      ----------- same code block succeeds as stored procedure for SYS

SYS AS SYSDBA _at_ lawacc90> create or replace procedure purge_test_with_exec_immed as  sender VARCHAR2(30) := 'DBAGROUP_at_crowley.com';  ccrecipient VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
 bccrecipient VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
 subject VARCHAR2(80) := 'Purge Audit Data: ';  message VARCHAR2(1200) := 'UTL MAIL MESSSAGE';  header VARCHAR2(120) := 'UTL MAIL HEADEER';  mime_type VARCHAR2(30) := 'text; charset=us-ascii';  priority NUMBER := 3;
 recipient VARCHAR2(30) := 'joel.patterson_at_crowley.com';  smtp_out_server VARCHAR2(30) := 'jaxsmtp01.crowley.com'; BEGIN
 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION SET smtp_out_server = "'||smtp_out_server||'"';  UTL_MAIL.send( sender => sender, recipients => recipient, cc => ccrecipient,  bcc => bccrecipient, subject => subject, message => message,  mime_type => mime_type, priority => priority); END;

Procedure created.

SYS AS SYSDBA _at_ lawacc90> exec purge_test_with_exec_immed

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Joel Patterson
Senior Oracle Database Administrator | Information Technology Joel.Patterson_at_Crowley.com
Office: 904-727-2546
Crowley Maritime Corporation / www.crowley.com 9487 Regency Sq. Blvd. | Jacksonville, FL 32225

Received on Wed Feb 20 2013 - 19:03:30 CET

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