Doubt regards EXECPTION

From: Eriovaldo Andrietta <>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 16:54:14 -0300
Message-ID: <>

Hello Friends,
I have a doubt related to EXCEPTION.

  2 x number := 0;
  3 y number := 100;
  5 y := y / 0;
  6 exception
  7 when ZERO_DIVIDE then

  8      dbms_output.put_line ('erro 1: ' || sqlerrm);
  9      declare
 10      begin
 11      y := y / 0;
 12      exception
 13         when others then
 14           dbms_output.put_line ('erro 2: ' || sqlerrm);
 15      end;
 16      dbms_output.put_line ('Apos erro2');
 17    when others   then
 18      dbms_output.put_line ('erro others: ' || sqlerrm);
 19 END;
 20 /

erro 1: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero erro 2: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
Apos erro2


Exception 1

   y := y / 0; --> (the first one)
   when ZERO_DIVIDE then --> erro 1: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero

Exception 2
  y := y / 0; (the second one)
  when others then --> erro 2: ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero   and show the message : ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero

*My Doubt:*

Why oracle shows the default exception : ORA-01476: o divisor é igual a zero
There is a code that shows the erro 2 message and I understand that the default error should not appear ?

Any idea ?


Received on Sat Sep 22 2012 - 14:54:14 CDT

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