Re: listener on windows using wrong directory structure

From: Jeffrey Beckstrom <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 08:27:46 -0400
Message-Id: <>

Some more information. If from lsnrctl I do "status" multiple times, the parameter file location rotates between the 10g and 11gr1 homes but never the 11g r2 home. Same occurs on Production where 11G R2 is not installed. >>> Norman Dunbar <> 8/15/12 7:59 AM >>> On 15/08/12 12:36, Jeffrey Beckstrom wrote:
> Previously installed Oracle 10G and 11G R1. Yesterday, installed Today decided to shutdown the 11g r1 listener and start the 11g r2 listener. Would then change ports on 11g r1 and restart it for anything needing the old listener, i.e. extproc. Well, I halted the 11gr1 listener and attempted to start the new listener and received a message that "listener already running"!! Did a status and it is using listener.ora from 10G directory! Set oracle_home and tried another status and it is now using listener.ora from 11G R1 home. Why isn't it using the correct home?

What is in the listener.ora file in your 11g netwok/admin for this particular listener? I suspect you have an entry that specified the 10g software rather than the 11g.

Look in the ORACLE_HOME parameter of the SID_LIST_listener_name entry.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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Received on Wed Aug 15 2012 - 07:27:46 CDT

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