Associative array fragmentation?

From: Christoph <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 10:23:17 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I have a large associative array (index-by pl/sql table), that is indexed by varchar2. A procedure that uses this array deletes and adds array elements over and over again. Will this cause memory fragmentation which can cause performance issues? Is there a way for me to see this fragmentation?
Here is a short example of what I'm talking about. Imagine this type of thing done with hundreds or thousands of array elements:

  TYPE t_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(1) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(1);   l_tbl t_tbl;

  l_tbl('a') := 1;
  l_tbl('b') := 2;
  l_tbl('c') := 3;


  l_tbl('e') := 4;

END; Thanks,

Received on Mon Apr 16 2012 - 10:23:17 CDT

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