Re: APEX maintenance page

From: David Mann <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:16:40 -0400
Message-ID: <>

>I am running APEX 4.0.1 with Glassfish and the APEX Listener. When the system
>is down for maintenance, is it possible for APEX to put up a "maintenance" page?

I know in the application definition (Shared Components->Edit Application Definition->Availability) there are settings for application availability. That may be one way to accomplish what you are trying to do ... but not as easy as flipping a flag on Glassfish, looks like you must go into the Application definition to do this.

Status - Specifies whether or not the application is available or unavailable for use. Options include:

Available - Application is available with no restrictions. Available with Edit Links - Application is available for use. For developers, the Developer toolbar displays at the bottom of each page. Requires the developer to be logged in to the Application Builder in the same browser session.
Available to Developers Only - Application is available to users having developer privileges.
Restricted Access - Application is available to developers named in Restrict to comma separated user list.
Unavailable - Application cannot be run or edited. The message in Message for unavailable application displays when users attempt to access the application.
Unavailable (Status Shown with PL/SQL) - Application cannot be run or edited. Unavailable (Redirect to URL) - Application cannot be run. The user is linked to the URL entered in Message for unavailable application.

Dave Mann - Database Stuff -
Received on Tue Oct 18 2011 - 10:16:40 CDT

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