pipelined functions and rolling back dml: proper way to do this?

From: Charles Schultz <sacrophyte_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:13:33 -0500
Message-ID: <CAPZQniX9j0zinbeK=mSZUhmDkZ0aWkfKnLcWPr71Lmh7b0nCjA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Good day, listers,
I am relatively new to the world of writing pipelined pl/sql, but after reading various Oracle documentations, blogs, whitepapers and google in general, I am not exactly sure how to accomplish a specific task.


Oracle, Banner ERP from SunGardHE


Writing a pipelined function that presents rows from a Banner API. Unfortunately, the Banner API stores the results in a "temporary" table (not an Oracle TEMP table), and the "official" way to "audit" is to execute the procedure (API) and then issue ROLLBACK. When trying to craft a pipelined function, I am getting all sorts of various error messages when trying to rollback. Here is a snippet of code:

cursor c_processedFees is
  select columns1, 2, 3 from "temporaryTable";

BEGIN    /* Process audit fee assessment. */

  open c_processedFees;
    fetch c_processedFees into asmnt_out_rec.sfrfaud_pidm, asmnt_out_rec.bcomp_code, asmnt_out_rec.calc_charge;

    exit when c_processedFees%notFound;
     pipe row (asmnt_out_rec);
  end loop;
  close c_processedFees;

When I try to rollback (does not seem to matter where), I get: ORA-04092: cannot ROLLBACK in a trigger

*Using AUTONOMOUS pragma*

If I put the rollback after I close the cursor, I get: ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back

If I put the rollback before I PIPE ROW (as suggested by Oracle documentation), I get:
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence



Charles Schultz

Received on Wed Oct 12 2011 - 15:13:33 CDT

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