RE: uncanny experiences combining Oracle Restart and Data Guard

From: D'Hooge Freek <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 18:46:37 +0200
Message-ID: <>


Only 11.2 databases can be managed with Oracle restart. How did you succeed in registering the database with oracle restart?


Freek D'Hooge
Oracle Database Administrator
tel +32(0)3 451 23 82

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Sigrid Keydana Sent: woensdag 21 september 2011 18:01
Subject: uncanny experiences combining Oracle Restart and Data Guard


after a failed switchover in an environment combining a physical standby setup on with a fresh Oracle Restart install, I want to explore any dangers / problems / surprises inherent in this combination.

First, I'd have a general question - is there any way I can "persuade" Grid Infrastructure, having added a running database using srvctl add database, that this database really IS running and should be, too
(target = online)? From crsctl status resource -t I get

NAME           TARGET  STATE        SERVER                   STATE_DETAILS
ora.dgtest1.db OFFLINE OFFLINE

, and I don't like waiting for the next database bounce to have it monitored by Grid Infrastructure :-;
(Same thing for the other resources like listeners, - Restart does not
seem to notice they are running...)
My next problem is, I added a service using srvctl and wanted to start it

  srvctl start service -s primonly -d dgtest1

, just as described in Uwe Hesse's blog article "Data Guard & Oracle Restart in 11gR2"
and it turns out I get this error on the command line

PRCD-1084 : Failed to start service primonly PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.dgtest1.primonly.svc CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.dgtest1.primonly.svc start" encountered the following error:
ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified

CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.dgtest1.primonly.svc' on 'ix-vip-db' failed CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.dgtest1.primonly.svc clean" encountered the following error:

ORA-44304: service primonly does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 86
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SERVICE", line 442
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SERVICE", line 390
ORA-06512: at line 1

and my instance is shutdown and stays so, too:

NAME           TARGET  STATE        SERVER                   STATE_DETAILS
ora.dgtest1.db ONLINE  OFFLINE                               Instance 

Now I wonder which parameter was not modifiable here (service_names should be modifiable, shouldn't it?), and I'm a bit shocked imagining this had happened on a real, productive database and not in test - I'd have killed the primary trying to start that service....

I'd very much appreciate your advice / experiences regarding the usage of 11gR1 databases with Grid Infrastructure, and especially regarding service creation / administration.

Many thanks in advance!

P.S. Regarding the "parameter not modifiable" error, I found the following in $GRID_HOME/log/ix-vip-db/agent/ohasd/oraagent_oracle:

2011-09-21 17:03:58.847: [ USRTHRD][1114904896] makeConnectStr =
NVS='ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1,ORACLE_SID=dgtest')(ARGS='(DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))'))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=dgtest))) 2011-09-21 17:03:58.848: [ USRTHRD][1114904896] InstConnection::connectInt: server not attached 2011-09-21 17:03:58.888: [ USRTHRD][1114904896] ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified

2011-09-21 17:03:58.888: [ USRTHRD][1114904896] InstConnection:connectInt (3) OCIException OCI error 2095 2011-09-21 17:03:58.889: [ USRTHRD][1114904896] InstConnection:connect:excp OCIException OCI error 2095 2011-09-21 17:03:58.889: [ USRTHRD][1114904896] RLB.dgtest1 RlbEventPoller::poll Exception OCIException during initial connection: ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter ca


Received on Wed Sep 21 2011 - 11:46:37 CDT

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