Re: code to load tracefile into CLOB?

From: Jeremy Schneider <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 20:56:24 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hm... I could definitely see some perks to using an external table. It would be a lot easier to export this to a file on their own machine... simpler all-around...

Only additional wrinkle is that this is not just one tracefile, but lots and lots of tracefiles. Anytime they enable 10046 on a session, I want them to get their tracefile. A block of code that dynamically creates a bunch of external tables would do it, one for each trace file... but we have a lot of files and I'd rather not create so many objects. Maybe if there was just one external table, and I had a block of code that just redefined that external table to point to whichever trace file they need... the many developers here would just have to coordinate. Or perhaps I could make it like DBMS_STATS where they can point it to any table, create one in their own schema that they just re-use, like the PLAN_TABLE. But to my original question, I guess nobody already has this block of code already written? Suppose I'll have to actually go and write it? Oh well. :)


On 8/16/2011 6:08 PM, Tim Gorman wrote:
> Jeremy,
> Given all the complexities involving LOBs in general, why not load the
> tracefile line-by-line into a table with each line is a row, thus
> using a VARCHAR2 column for the text of the line? Easier to load,
> easier to manage, easier to index, easier to retrieve?
> Just my $0.02?
> -Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Jeremy Schneider []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 16, 2011 04:39 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* code to load tracefile into CLOB?
> Just wondering... does anyone out there have a snippit of code
> that will load a 10046 trace file from bdump or udump into a LOB?
> Just looking for a quick and dirty way to give some developers
> access to tracefiles (without requiring unix logins). Didn't see
> any code samples with a quick google search, so I'm about to code
> it myself - just thought I'd ask first. -Jeremy --
> +1 312-725-9249 Jeremy Schneider Chicago
> --

+1 312-725-9249

Jeremy Schneider

Received on Tue Aug 16 2011 - 20:56:24 CDT

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