Re: Develop Shell Script - hiding database password

From: Sreejith Nair <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 07:39:31 +0530
Message-ID: <>

We used Oracle wallet / Oracle external password store to hide password. This let's you to take a connection in your shell scripts as 'sqlplus /_at_MYDB' where MYDB is an alias to your connection which is stored in wallet and resolved in tnsnames.ora.


  • Original message -------
    > From: Eriovaldo Andrietta <>
    > To:
    > Sent: 28/7/'11, 6:06
    > Hi Friends, 
    > I have to write a script shell to do a connection on the Oracle Database, execute a sql statment and generates a formated output file delimited by a specific separator.
    > My issue is: What's the best way to hide the Database's password ?
    > Regards,
    > Eriovaldo.
Received on Wed Jul 27 2011 - 21:09:31 CDT

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