supplemental logging questions and golden gate

From: Dba DBA <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 10:48:01 -0400
Message-ID: <>

We are going to use supplemental logging to work with Golden Gate. Golden Gate is going to be used to stream data to other Oracle Databases and to Teradata. I have some questions about supplemental loggings.

  1. I believe the documentations says that during updates supplemental logging adds redo for 2 things
    • primary or unique key (assuming we have a key and do not need to do all records)
    • before image of the update

However, isn't the before image already captured? Whern you do an update, the befoer image is copied to the undo tables space which is then written to redo. This is necessary for rollback. I think this is saying that the before image is needed after a commit is done, so that downstream Golden Gate can tell which data to apply? I am not sure why. If you have the key and the after image, isn't that enough? Or is this for some kind of rollback downstream?

2. Inserts/Deletes: just adds the primary or unique key (assuming you have one and do not add need to log all rows). I believe redo logs normally just track the rowid right?
3. not having a key on a table wth alot of columns can significantly increase redo generation. Since if you are updating 1 row, you need to write every column to the redo logs so that downstream golden gate can do a diff to apply the changes. Does this affect recovery at all other than you have more redo. Or will the racle recovery mechanism ignore the supplemental logging?

Received on Tue Jul 19 2011 - 09:48:01 CDT

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