Re: IBM Consulting info

From: David Ramírez Reyes <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 11:14:54 -0500
Message-ID: <>

At the begginning, these companies used to be very carefuly with you english level, after the last crisis, it doesn't matter how you speak, just make yourself understand and that's enought!

It's a pain...

David Ramírez Reyes
Profesión: Padre de Familia

On 13 June 2011 11:08, Orlando L <> wrote:

> Interesting. Many of these big consulting companies initially refused to
> give offers to people like me who came in as immigrants. They had various
> reasons like I did not have US degree, or I did not have experience with a
> top consulting firm, etc. Ofcourse none was mentioned expliciltly.
> Now their jobs going away to people without any of those 'qualifications'.
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:41 AM, David Ramírez Reyes <
> > wrote:
>> Companies like Bank of America now should be named Bank of India...
>> David Ramírez Reyes
>> Profesión: Padre de Familia
>> On 13 June 2011 10:40, David Ramírez Reyes <> wrote:
>>> That is the core of most of this Indian outsourcing companies, they hire
>>> you with a very low salary just by giving the "opportunity" of get an
>>> American visa (for non american citizens); companies like Infosys, Accenture
>>> or ACS (between others) are making this activities their "way of living'.
>>> About 5 years ago, we were 5 DBA's in the company and I was the only one
>>> ourside US, now I am the nearest, 2 are in India y 2 more in China (earning
>>> less than the half of my salary, and I learn the half of the salary of my
>>> ex- coworkers!)
>>> Welcome to real life...
>>> David Ramírez Reyes
>>> Oracle Global DBA
>>> On 13 June 2011 10:28, Andrew Kerber <> wrote:
>>>> I talked with them at one point, they were establishing a support site
>>>> in Iowa. However, the salary was ludicrously inadequate. About half of my
>>>> current salary. Of course, that was probably when they were building the
>>>> justification for bringing in lower paid DBAs on H1(b) visas.
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Dennis Williams <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> List,
>>>>> A friend works at a U.S. company where the DBA services are being
>>>>> outsourced to IBM. I believe this is IBM India. He has been invited to
>>>>> interview with them for a job. He resides here in the U.S. I'm trying to
>>>>> gather some information for him about how this all works. If anyone has
>>>>> worked for or with IBM consulting, please help me out. Private replies are
>>>>> fine.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Dennis
>>>> --
>>>> Andrew W. Kerber
>>>> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'

Received on Mon Jun 13 2011 - 11:14:54 CDT

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