I am losing it...

From: Johnson, William L (TEIS) <"Johnson,>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 13:14:12 -0500
Message-ID: <2F161F8A09B99B4ABF8AE832D546E7890C1B009082_at_us194mx002.tycoelectronics.net>

I am on http://www.oracle.com/store looking at database products trying to find the ever changing Oracle licensing metrics for Intel versus Itanium, etc PROCESSOR licenses.

Does someone have the link for this information? It used to be right on the web page and easy to find - but not so easy to interpret...

I did try searching the Oracle Freelists archive - but there are tons of references and I just have not found anything...I am pretty sure Oracle made changes that affect Itanium hardware bought after December 2010 - but I can't find anything recent.


Received on Thu Feb 10 2011 - 12:14:12 CST

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