Re: Questions for a Jr. DBA

From: Sheldon Quinny <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 08:18:54 +0300
Message-ID: <>

Yea, he is right , but end of the day , the idea of hiring a junior dba is to delegate the jobs to him which can be taken care with out any hassle.

So technically he should be sound.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:11 AM, Jack van Zanen <> wrote:

> You are talking junior here that has very limited technical knowledge (or
> else he/she would no longer be a junior) I think the most important thing
> would be to see if he/she fits in the team, has a basic understanding of
> databases, is willing to learn, has diagnostic skills and is willing to work
> long days when required.
> If those boxes are ticked he/she has the makings of a good junior dba.
> Technical stuff can easily be learned.
> You will need to spend considerable amount of time and effort (possibly
> money as well for courses) to train this person so you need to make very
> sure that the candidate fits the company and the company fits the candidate.
> No point in either of them finding out 6 months in that it is not working.
> Jack van Zanen
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> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Sheldon Quinny <>wrote:
>> Also , I have seen many dba been fired on thier first day of the job ,
>> just of silly mistakes..or not able to delivered as promissed...
>> Q) what do you do with a VI editor...can you read datafiles with it..?
>> Q) How to find the top process in oracle.
>> Even look at the way they answer and also check if they are able to work
>> underpressure and not give up during a mid life crisis..
>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 7:11 AM, Sheldon Quinny <>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I like the question you have come up with...I am waiting for the answers
>>> too hehe ...
>>> You can also ask the basic question based on the evnviorment the database
>>> would be like for Linux or unix , you can ask the ps -ef grep command...what
>>> does -tail command does.
>>> How is scp done from one server to another ...or Ftp..
>>> SSH to diffrent server...Diffrence between SSH and RSH or something.
>>> How to check mount points, where is the oratab file located.
>>> How to get the size of the file in a human readable format.
>>> what is the command to put the database in restricted mode.
>>> what is the minimum compatablity version for a 10g or 9i database.
>>> Do you put the language setting in the pfile or spfile ..
>>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 2:06 AM, Guillermo Alan Bort <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So, I am in the process of reviewing resumes from several JR and SSR
>>>> candidates for the team. The question I came up with is, what kind of
>>>> questions (technical) should I ask during the interview. I can't use the
>>>> same questions I'd use with a Sr. DBA.
>>>> The questions i've come up with so far are the following:
>>>> 1. Difference between EXTENT and BLOCK
>>>> 2. Difference between USER and ROLE. When would you use each?
>>>> 3. Command to extend a Tablespace (tricky question? should it be
>>>> datafile?)
>>>> 4. Command to backup controlfiles (all you can think of)
>>>> 5. Steps to switch archivelog on or off.
>>>> 6. Minimum requirements in order to take a level 1 online backup (tricky
>>>> question?)
>>>> 7. What are the minimum required files to be backed up in order to be
>>>> able to recreate the database from scratch in the event of complete media
>>>> failure?
>>>> I may come up with more, but that's what I have so far...
>>>> thanks in advance
>>>> Alan.-

Received on Sun Feb 06 2011 - 23:18:54 CST

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