Changing the server type

From: Octavian Rasnita <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 15:35:45 +0300
Message-ID: <8923FAE02E6D4FF3B396B3F6C6597DFB_at_teddy>


I have installed Oracle 11G under Windows XP and I've seen that for the current database it was installed as DEDICATED, but I want to set it as SHARED. Is it possible?

I've used Database Configuration Assistant and I changed its type to SHARED, it told that the changes were successfully, but then I've seen that in tnsnames.ora the server still appears as DEDICATED.

Is it ok (it keeps these settings somewhere else) or I need to do something else in order to make this change?

I try to set it as SHARED because I use the Oracle under Windows only for testing purposes and I want it to consume as few resources as possible.

Here is the relevant part of tnsnames.ora:

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)


Thank you.


Received on Sun Jul 11 2010 - 07:35:45 CDT

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