apex workspace issue

From: Kumar Madduri <ksmadduri_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 06:13:22 -0700
Message-ID: <a2b1e7610910270613r472fb63v952509fb8b2fd9b8_at_mail.gmail.com>

I create a workspace like this after connecting as sys. alter session set current_schema = FLOWS_030100;


P_WORKSPACE_ID => 123456789,
p_workspace =>'APEX_XXDL_SHARED' ,
p_primary_schema => 'XXDL',
p_additional_schemas => NULL);


But the above record is not shown in APEX_WORKSPACES. I expect to see the workspace and workspace_id in the table.

I tried like above by explicitly specifying the workspace_id (to some random number) and also let it default(without specifying the workspace_id). But I cant see the workspace_id and workspace in apex_workspaces. But when I login to internal workspace as admin user , I can see the workspace I created above.
In addition, if you create this workspace through the application, you do see the records as expected. I want to automate the creation of workspaces and hence this attempt.
What am I missing here?
Thank you

Received on Tue Oct 27 2009 - 08:13:22 CDT

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