RE: datapump export to pipe

From: Rich Jesse <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 08:34:47 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>


> Not much use, I admit, if you only want a subset of the schemas in your
> production database, but we clone the lot.

Bingo! We have three "lower" environments in one database for Dev/Test/QA and Prod has ERP system and metadata in multiple schemas in the same DB as production data (makes for interesting shared pool patterns and backup/recovery scenarios).

Plus, the table and index layouts will usually differ between Production and the other three, meaning that I need to keep or recreate them after a data copy or JDEdwards will bark loudly.

So, it seems that exp/imp (or my new favorite expdp/impdp) is the way to go.  And I've done a few things like manual parallelism (multiple concurrent exp/imp) to help speed up the process.


Received on Wed Oct 07 2009 - 08:34:47 CDT

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