Re: ORA-21779 and solution; seeking root cause analysis

From: Yong Huang <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 12:36:17 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>


Thank you very much. Based on what you said, I found this in Data Cartridge Developer's Guide: That page doesn't have the word "duration" but has "anydataset", "transient", "type".

It's odd that SMON sometimes can't drop them but we can.

Yong Huang

  • On Wed, 3/25/09, Kurt Franke <> wrote:

 when selecting from a table function which has return type  ANYDATASET oracle creates dynamically a type object  which matches the actual return type.
 and sql will cast it automatically to this actual return  type, no ANYDATASET output is returned by the select.  this mechanism is introduced with oracle 10  

 in general the smon should cleanup those types  

 except for the fact the time when the cleanup occures seems  to be less predictable I never had problems  with it when I played around with some self written  tablefunctions returning ANYDATASET in oracle 10.2  

 you may select those system generated types with  SELECT *
  FROM dba_types
  WHERE type_name LIKE 'SYS%=='

       AND length(type_name) = 29;  

 if no another solution is possible you may create an own  cleanup job which drops those types
 before the smon try to do this - an age less than a day may  be a value for a try    



-- Received on Wed Mar 25 2009 - 14:36:17 CDT

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