
From: David Cheyne <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 17:00:41 +0000
Message-Id: <>


I've really cut the import parameters to the bone.

indexes=n triggers=n constraints=n Buffer=20971520 Commit=y . . . and just for the hell of it I switched on feedback=20000 the last time around.

As no indexes are being built, will an increase in sort area size change anything?

Redo logs are now 1gb each and there are 5 groups. All data is on netapp.

This is a stand alone audit table being imported into an instance that was built out of standard scripts but will house only this table.

Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

David Cheyne

Oracle DBA

Odd spacing and typos courtesy of my iPhone

On 12 Mar 2009, at 15:14, wrote:

> did you try below options
> file size option during the export FILESIZE
> and during import use option COMMIT
> buffer
> what is the exact error you face.
> thanks,
> Vamshi .D
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "David Cheyne" <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:47 AM
> To: "oracle-l" <>
> Subject: Import speed falls off at 2million rows
>> Hi list!
>> I'm trying to import a table with about 8 million rows in to
>> oracle EE on solaris 10.
>> The import starts as you would expect but seems to hit a wall at
>> about 2 million rows and the rows seem to trickle in after that
>> point. I've tried exporting the data again, expanding the
>> datafiles before hand, increasing redo log size. The only
>> different thing about this table is that it contains 2 columns of
>> an XML type which will be populated. Archiving is switched off
>> and no users or developers are logged in.
>> Any ideas?
>> David Cheyne
>> B.A.(hons)
>> Oracle DBA
>> Odd spacing and typos courtesy of my iPhone
>> --

Received on Thu Mar 12 2009 - 12:00:41 CDT

Original text of this message