Re: Number of Columns in a Table & SQL Performance ?

From: John Kanagaraj <>
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 22:02:08 -0700
Message-ID: <>


> Does the number of columns in a table affect the performance of
> NOTE - Merge of 2 existing tables each has 200 columns approx into a single
> Table is being planned..

Please note the following little snippet from the Concepts manual:

Row Format and Size
Oracle stores each row of a database table containing data for less than 256 columns as
one or more row pieces. If an entire row can be inserted into a single data block, then
Oracle stores the row as one row piece. However, if all of a row’s data cannot be
inserted into a single data block or if an update to an existing row causes the row to
outgrow its data block, then Oracle stores the row using multiple row pieces. A data
block usually contains only one row piece for each row. When Oracle must store a row
in more than one row piece, it is chained across multiple blocks.

When a table has more than 255 columns, rows that have data after the 255th column
are likely to be chained within the same block. This is called intra-block chaining. A
chained row’s pieces are chained together using the rowids of the pieces. With intra-block chaining, users receive all the data in the same block. If the row fits in the
block, users do not see an effect in I/O performance, because no extra I/O operation is
required to retrieve the rest of the row.

HOWEVER: If there are 400 columns, I would bet that most rows will not fit in one block and hence you will see a lot more 'db file sequential read' than normally required. As well, I remember that Steve Adams (or someone long ago) mentioning that there is an additional cost for accessing a column "further down the list" - sorry don't have that link.

John Kanagaraj <>< (Sorry - not an Oracle blog!)
** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine
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Received on Tue Mar 10 2009 - 00:02:08 CDT

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