Re: received more blocks than served?

From: Yong Huang <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:30:49 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

> Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 11:21:32 -0600
> From: Dan Norris <>
> Subject: Re: received more blocks than served?
> I think Mark's suggestion about the different start times is probably the
> culprit. Flawed logic on my part--thanks Mark for pointing it out. Guess I
> was having a Monday :-|
> Dan

Dan and Mark,

I still don't understand. That seems to say that when RAC instances are started at different times, some blocks will be received from nowhere, or (as I see on some of my RAC nodes) some blocks will be sent to nowhere. Our current thinking is the cluster-wide total count by summing on gv$ views should still be balanced, taking into account other stats such as lost or corrupt blocks, blocks converted from current to CR, which are generally very small or 0. There must be something we're missing.

If the blocks are in transit between instances, the total count will not balance. But your query shows a big difference (SERVED - RECEIVED). I don't think we can explain that big number by blocks in transit.

Yong Huang       

Received on Thu Jul 10 2008 - 11:30:49 CDT

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