Re: FW: IOUG Session Evaluation Results

From: John Kanagaraj <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 14:10:42 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hi Chris,

> Did anyone else get "great" feedback from presenting at IOUG????

I speak from the experience of presenting at IOUG/OAUG and OOW conferences since 2002, and remember well the written criticism from my first presentation: "Speaker had a lot of dead space between sentences". The other scores were good, and I know that what I presented made sense. However, I did have to improve my delivery, and it looks like I have gotten better over the years. (For e.g. I had to compress a 2-hour expert session from IOUG into a 1-hour rush session for OOW. I am glad to say that I was able to, and finish what I had to say! I say this not to boast but to show that it is possible to learn, even for someone like me whose native tonuge isn't English)

For many, speaking in front of others is a fear second only to that of dying. If you were able to stand up in front of your peers and delivered a 45-min *technical* presentation, you have to be applauded. Your scores are impressive, and I believe you are just beating yourself up....

Personally speaking (pun intended), an organization such as Toastmasters provides an excellent forum for developing your speaking skills. TM provides an environment where you receive structured training and constructive criticism on the spot from people you know and trust. I was part of TM for a while and did learn a lot of things about speech delivery.

The IOUG is a great user organization that provides excellent opportunities for Oracle techies to present and share their experiences. It is a bunch of people like you and me who spend time, energy and money (for some who have to pay their way for the Conf) that makes this happen. I would ask you to just shrug this feedback off and just be yourself.

Remember also that the presentation itself is just one part of the whole: Your paper and PPT would have been (and will be) downloaded, read, analyzed and used by many others in IOUG, including those that were not at the conference and those that did not attend your session (such as myself!).

John Kanagaraj <><
DB Soft Inc (Sorry - not an Oracle blog!)
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Received on Thu Jun 12 2008 - 16:10:42 CDT

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