Re: Certifications don't count!

From: Dan Norris <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 07:46:38 -0600
Message-ID: <>

I like that list. I also recall having to think of what answer Oracle wanted me to give rather than what's really "right". I also agree that I don't use a script when interviewing. However, I do always ask candidates this question:

"Can uncommitted data be written to an Oracle datafile?"

Discuss. Funny part is, it's a 50/50 shot. So, part of the followup is always the why/whynot question. While the question isn't really material to anyone's job, ability to answer authoritatively one way or another usually shows how well one understands the basic transaction process and concepts used by Oracle. And that's what I'm trying to figure out.

Good luck...and if any of you interview with me, I guess you can prepare now :).


P.S. Funny sidenote--I used to work with a guy that always asked "Where do you keep your shoes?". He used it to determine organization behavior (are the shoes by the back door, in individual boxes in the closet labeled with the last date you wore them, or do you not have any idea). It always threw candidates off, but it was entertaining to watch how they handled the oddball question as well.

Herring Dave - dherri wrote:
> I've got to agree on the whole "oracle answer" vs. "real world answer". I received my 8.0 certification as part of helping a large group of DBAs get theirs. I found that I could tell what the OCP test questions were looking for, even though I knew in the real world the OCP answer wasn't the best option, at least in our environment. I ended up teaching a course to all these DBAs on how all of what they learned in the process applies to our environment (you know, Oracle's 5 row EMP to DEPT queries vs. multi-billion row table joins).
> So if I can summarize this thread correctly (and the previous thread on OCP/OCM, and the previous one to that, ...):
> 1) Some recruiters and managers only look at certification for hiring.
> 2) Some people are great test takers and can get certified with little to no experience.
> 3) Some people are poor test takers or don't bother with certification yet are great DBAs.
> 4) Some people lie about certification (either including it or hiding it).
> 5) In the end, you need your interviewers to be as good at what they do compared to the DBAs at what they do, to get the people you really need for the job.
> Personally, I never go off a script when interviewing DBAs. Instead I have them walk thru their listed experience and try to force them to give details. That always leads to interesting questions, answers, and hypothetical situations that usually uncovers the DBA's skills and viability for the position in question.
> Dave

Received on Thu Jun 12 2008 - 08:46:38 CDT

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