Re: Moving application to RAC

From: Jeremy Schneider <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 13:48:39 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Dan is exacly right; you really need to try out the application yourself to see how it will handle.

As far as general areas to keep an eye on, two that come to mine are (1) how clients connect to the applications and (2) any points of serialization - logical or physical. The specifics depend entirely on your app - its schema design, the workload characteristics, which particular features you're using, etc.

I heard a great recommendation two weeks ago at Collaborate. If you just read Tom Kyte's book (which has nothing to do with RAC or clusters) and apply everything in there then that will probably really help your app make the transition well.


On 4/28/08, Dan Norris <> wrote:
> Fred,
> I don't recall seeing any replies to your post and I think that's actually
> a good thing because there are few, if any, "general pointers" on possible
> problems. As many of us have learned over time, RAC responds very
> differently to different applications. What works well for one will cripple
> another. So, the only general pointer I will offer is that you must build a
> realistic test of your customer's environment and validate that everything
> works as you expect. In your specific case, I don't think it is especially
> relevant that they are running on Solaris. If you can obtain the same Oracle
> version on your favorite platform (for example, Linux), I think the results
> you'll see will be very similar to those on the Solaris platform. Sure,
> there are platform-specific bugs on all platforms, but you should at least
> find the "general pointers" you're looking for.
> I'd especially pay attention to the application behavior when a node
> and/or instance failure happens. Next, you should plan to apply some
> application-level stress to the system and monitor performance to determine
> if there are hot spots that require application changes or tuning to remove.
> Good luck!
> Dan
> Fred Tilly wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have a new customer for our application who will be running it on an
> Oracle RAC Cluster on Solaris. This will be our first customer running our
> application on a cluster, in fact we have not even tested the application in
> house on a cluster.
> Can someone provide some general pointers on possible problems we could
> encounter when moving to a RAC environment.
> Regards
> Fred
> --

Jeremy Schneider
Chicago, IL

Received on Mon Apr 28 2008 - 12:48:39 CDT

Original text of this message