Re: copy tablespace in one database

From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:25:01 +0100
Message-id: <>

Wojciech Skrzynecki wrote:
> Hello
> I plan to copy data from all tables to the new tables in new
> tablespace every night. Why? Old tablespaces will be purged every
> night and I have to have old date
> I think that I have two options:
> First
> I have to copy tablespace to the new with new name plus date e.g.
> tablespace "name" to the new name_date.
> Second:
> Create tables in new tablespace "as select" but what can I do with
> indexes?
> I do not know if first options is possible.
> Maybe you have any idea to help me.
> Rgds.
> Wojtek

May be it is acceptable to you just to rename old tables to whatever you want and provide new tables with proper/previous names. Providing that you always change all names on a particular tablespace, you could use them interchangeably.
While this is not the exact solution of your project, still those activities don't need so much time (i.e. delays in system functioning). Another possibility is using partitioning (even with one partition and of course if you have proper license) and exchange partition feature. After exchange you can simply transfer the data to another tablespace without (almost, IO still must be done) affecting the system functioning at all



Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
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MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x

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Received on Wed Mar 26 2008 - 02:25:01 CDT

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