Re: Server Architecture

From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:39:51 +0100
Message-id: <>

Matthew Zito wrote:
> If your oratab file is up to date, then yes, that takes care of it for
> you. But if you’re not maintaining your oratab, or you accidentally
> forget to update it, or fat-finger the change, or, and we see this a
> lot, you are running Veritas Cluster Server or something similar,
> where just because a home was created on one node does not mean that
> two weeks later it will still be on that node, you’re stuck.
> In fact, I have three or four customers I can think of where they
> follow this one home + one user model, and at least one of them wrote
> a custom bash_login script that automatically sets all of the
> environment variables as they log in based on the directory name of
> the home and the userid. Very clean and simple.

That is exactly what we do (though not so much databases). Things are done as follows:
- all env variables set according to home name by common .bash_profile (i.e. the same for any account)
- set of common scripts in well defined place (let's say /usr/local/[bin,lib])
- binaries linked to well defined name in the home dir (one copy of particular version)
- database files linked to well defined name in the home dir - crontabs, configs, scripts, templates for config files (whatever they are) - in CVS

It works quite well, fast installation of the whole account (scripts are already there, .bash_profile sets all custom things, crontab taken from CVS - as a central repository, binaries usually are also already there (one needs to link the proper one if many)

There is the concept known as "convention over configuration" - if Your accounts will be managed according to convention, thus it should be minimal possible amount of work, configuration, etc. I must say for us it works incredibly well and due to templates and common scripts amount of mistakes is also minimalized.

In this case my recommendation is to go into it, but start with one product installed on oinstall<version>:dba privileges linked to account homes and add another only if needed - it has also some impact on performance (only lowest possible number of shared libs loaded into memory what at high number of instances can be significant). Account names could be database names in lower case.

Best regards


Remigiusz Sokolowski <>
WP/PTI/DIP/ZAB (+04858) 52 15 770
MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x

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Received on Fri Jan 04 2008 - 03:39:51 CST

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