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Re: stats$filestatxs

From: Tony Adolph <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 21:57:46 +1200
Message-ID: <003e01c7faa3$8c77c060$6801a8c0@tonypc>

Thanks for your replies.

I guess I was just being lazy.... looking at the source is obviously the best place to look.


  Can anyone point me in the direction of some documentation for the perfstat's tables, e.g. stats$filestatxs.


  Most of the statspack tables are clones of corresponding V$ views, with a couple of extra columns to hold the relationship to a database (db_id), instance (instance_number) and to a statistics snapshot (snap_id).

  Look into spcpkg.sql (in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin, or C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\RDBMS\ADMIN on my XE install). Find function SNAP which actually collects the data. You'll soon see for example:

  v$segstat -> stats$seg_stat
  v$segment_statistics joined to stats$seg_stat -> stats$seg_stat_obj
  v$sesstat -> stats$sesstat

  and so on.

  As well as the v$ clones, there are of course a number of tables used to control the whole process, including:

  STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE - the master for those (dbid, instance_number) columns
  STATS$LEVEL_DESCRIPTION (see table and column comments)
  STATS$SNAPSHOT - the handle for each snapshot (ie each execution of the SNAP function) and so the master for snap_id, recording date, time etc
  STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER - contains a list of thresholds for each database instance
  STATS$IDLE_EVENT - events which are considered 'idle' - ie not contributing to real wait time

  NB - the snaphot tables like stats$sesstat include all three of (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) and stats$snapshot includes all 3 in the PK. That's to make it easy to merge snapshots from multiple databases into a single repository.

  The naming of the stats$ tables is not quite 100% consistent (occasional discrepancies in use of underscores), and in some cases (like stats$seg_stat_obj) some additional data is added on - but you get the idea. So in most cases you can look up the definition of the columns from the corresponding v$ view.

  So stats$filestatxs is populated from v$filestatxs, which you can Google. It records statistics for a datafile:

  create table          STATS$FILESTATXS
  (snap_id              number          not null

,dbid number not null
,instance_number number not null
,tsname varchar2 (30) not null
,filename varchar2 (513) not null
,phyrds number -- physical reads
,phywrts number -- physical writes
,singleblkrds number -- number of single block reads
,readtim number -- time spent reading
,writetim number
,singleblkrdtim number
,phyblkrd number -- number of blocks actually read
,phyblkwrt number -- number of blocks actually written
,wait_count number -- number of wait events
,time number -- time spent waiting
,file# number

  Hope that helps

  Regards Nigel    

Received on Wed Sep 19 2007 - 04:57:46 CDT

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