Recently we needed to increase the PROCESSES parameter due to a major increase in system usage. Rather than wait for a spate of reported ORA-00020 messages, I'm keeping an eye on the "License High Water Mark" entry in the alert log each time the instance is shut down, so I can increase PROCESSES again if the demand starts to approach the limit again. The problem is, this message only appears at shutdown, which isn't very helpful. What I'd like to be able to do is, at any time, see what the current High Water Mark is. Now, honest folks, I've RTFM'ed for all I'm worth, but can't find the relevant system view that contains this information. I should emphasise that I'm not looking for the current number of sessions at a moment in time, I'm looking for the high water mark figure since the last time the instance was started up.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, please, or let me know if the information *can't* be determined other than at shutdown?
Paul Vincent
UCE Birmingham