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Would the imp speed increase by setting all indexes to NOLOGGING?
I have a schema with 249 tables and 442 indexes and I have a weekly schema refresh program running as this:
exp schema from Server A (Oracle 8173 on Sun Solaris box)
ftp dump file from Server A to Server B, the dump file size is 1.9GB after
imp schema on Server B (also Oracle 8173 on Sun Solaris box), the imp
usually take about 7 hours.
With everything elase the same, last week I changed all indexes in the schema on Server A to "NOLOGGING" (they were all set to "logging" before), hoping to increase the speed of imp on Server B. Because I thought the "create index ... nologging" would reduce redo log writing, therefore increase the imp speed quite a bit (there are some big indexes there!). But this morning I found the imp still took about the same time as before, although I was told that the system I/O seems to be lower.
Does anyone have similar experience? TIA.
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Author: gmei
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