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Re: mbrc (was: buffer cache - once again)

From: Boris Dali <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 07:51:07 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Resending... (not sure if it ever made to the list, I don't see it)

Here's what I am seeing for the different multi block read counts ranging from 1 to 128 (sorry lines are probably wrapped - it's also attached):

dfmbrc cpu LIO (cr+cu) elapsed disk #I/O calls (times waited) Max. Wait
------ ----- ----------- ------- ------

------------------------- ---------
  1    1.32  21,238      1.32    20,969        
scattered - 1,329      0.10
					        sequential-10,482      0.12
  2    0.64  10,619      0.62    10,551        
scattered - 5,270      0.11
					        sequential-    11      0.00
  8    0.50  10,619      0.49    10,488        
scattered - 1,329      0.10
					        sequential-     1      0.00
 16    0.51  10,620      0.50    10,608        
scattered -   680      0.12
 32    0.97  10,619      0.96    10,512        
scattered -   345      0.50
 64    1.04  10,619      1.02    10,544        
scattered -   183      0.56
 96    1.03  10,619      1.00    10,576        
scattered -   170      0.54
128    1.01  10,619      0.99    10,608        
scattered -    99      0.56

or in the form of resource profile:

                         Wait Event              
Duration         # Calls         Dur/Call      Wait
Times Max Wait


SQL*Net message from client                   48.12s
98.5%               3       16.038591s               0
CPU time                                       0.64s 
1.3%           10619        0.000060s               0 
db file scattered read                         0.12s 
0.2%           10540        0.000011s            5270 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000014s               0 
db file sequential read                        0.00s 
0.0%              11        0.000018s              11 


SQL*Net message from client                   14.51s
96.0%               3        4.836885s               0
CPU time                                       0.51s 
3.4%           10619        0.000048s               0 
db file scattered read                         0.10s 
0.7%           10487        0.000010s            1329 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000005s               0 
db file sequential read                        0.00s 
0.0%               1        0.000019s               1 


SQL*Net message from client                   62.99s
99.0%               3       20.995993s               0
CPU time                                       0.51s 
0.8%           10620        0.000048s               0 
db file scattered read                         0.12s 
0.2%           10608        0.000011s             680 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000005s               0 


SQL*Net message from client                   51.02s
97.2%               3       17.006373s               0
CPU time                                       0.97s 
1.8%           10619        0.000091s               0 
db file scattered read                         0.50s 
1.0%           10512        0.000048s             345 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000004s               0 


SQL*Net message from client                    7.48s
82.4%               3        2.493831s               0
CPU time                                       1.04s
11.5%           10619        0.000098s               0
db file scattered read                         0.56s 
6.2%           10544        0.000053s             183 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000004s               0 


SQL*Net message from client                    7.53s
82.7%               3        2.508483s               0
CPU time                                       1.03s
11.3%           10619        0.000097s               0
db file scattered read                         0.54s 
6.0%           10576        0.000051s             170 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000005s               0 


SQL*Net message from client                    9.52s
85.8%               3        3.174709s               0
CPU time                                       1.01s 
9.1%           10619        0.000095s               0 
db file scattered read                         0.56s 
5.1%           10608        0.000053s              99 
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s 
0.0%               3        0.000004s               0 

So, even though Oracle can execute multiblock I/O in batches of up to 128 blocks at a time here (on cooked fs), from this output is seems that 8-16 blocks is the optimal? Or is there some other criteria I am missing? Two things to note. One is 1,329 scattered reads, resulted in 10,487 blocks read with dfmbrc=1. How's that? Shouldn't number of I/Os and number of blocks be the same in this case? (or Why there are scattered reads at all?)
Second thing is the latency of the PIO calls - they are quite cheap at dfmbrc 1-16 (~10 mcsec), but than become some 5 times more expensive with higher dfmbrc.

Also there is something a bit unusual I think about tkprof output for dfmbrc=1 is (different from the rest) as it shows 2 parse, 2 execute and 4 fetch counts, as well as # of rows returned (everything is doubled). Is this something to do with sqlplus arraysize?

select /*+ full(t) nocache(t) noparallel(t) */ count(1)
 t_source$ t
call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk     
query    current        rows

------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Parse        2      0.00       0.00          0        
 0          0           0
Execute      2      0.00       0.00          0        
 0          0           0
Fetch        4      1.32       1.32      20969     
21238          0           2

------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total        8      1.32       1.32      20969     
21238          0           2

Misses in library cache during parse: 0
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: 47 (BORIS)

Rows Row Source Operation

      1 SORT AGGREGATE (cr=10619 r=10481 w=0 time=823332 us)
 124979 TABLE ACCESS FULL T_SOURCE$ (cr=10619 r=10481 w=0 time=695494 us)

Rows Execution Plan

      1   SORT (AGGREGATE)

 124979 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T_SOURCE$' Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times  
Max. Wait Total Waited

Boris Dali.

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Re: mbrc (was: buffer cache - once again)

Here's what I am seeing for the different multi block read counts ranging from 1 to 128 (sorry lines are probably wrapped - it's also attached):

dfmbrc cpu LIO (cr+cu) elapsed disk #I/O calls (times waited) Max. Wait

------ ----- ----------- ------- ------ ------------------------- ---------
  1    1.32  21,238      1.32    20,969         scattered - 1,329      0.10
					        sequential-10,482      0.12
  2    0.64  10,619      0.62    10,551         scattered - 5,270      0.11
					        sequential-    11      0.00
  8    0.50  10,619      0.49    10,488         scattered - 1,329      0.10
					        sequential-     1      0.00
 16    0.51  10,620      0.50    10,608         scattered -   680      0.12
 32    0.97  10,619      0.96    10,512         scattered -   345      0.50
 64    1.04  10,619      1.02    10,544         scattered -   183      0.56
 96    1.03  10,619      1.00    10,576         scattered -   170      0.54
128    1.01  10,619      0.99    10,608         scattered -    99      0.56

or in the form of resource profile:

                         Wait Event               Duration         # Calls         Dur/Call      Wait Times Max Wait
----------------------------------- ---------------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- 
SQL*Net message from client                   93.98s 98.4%               6       15.664067s               0   79.86s
CPU time                                       1.32s  1.4%           21238        0.000062s               0    0.00s
db file sequential read                        0.13s  0.1%           10482        0.000012s           10482    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.11s  0.1%           10487        0.000010s            1329    0.00s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               6        0.000004s               0    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                   48.12s 98.5%               3       16.038591s               0   36.73s
CPU time                                       0.64s  1.3%           10619        0.000060s               0    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.12s  0.2%           10540        0.000011s            5270    0.00s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000014s               0    0.00s
db file sequential read                        0.00s  0.0%              11        0.000018s              11    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                   14.51s 96.0%               3        4.836885s               0    8.47s
CPU time                                       0.51s  3.4%           10619        0.000048s               0    0.01s
db file scattered read                         0.10s  0.7%           10487        0.000010s            1329    0.00s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000005s               0    0.00s
db file sequential read                        0.00s  0.0%               1        0.000019s               1    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                   62.99s 99.0%               3       20.995993s               0   40.13s
CPU time                                       0.51s  0.8%           10620        0.000048s               0    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.12s  0.2%           10608        0.000011s             680    0.00s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000005s               0    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                   51.02s 97.2%               3       17.006373s               0   42.52s
CPU time                                       0.97s  1.8%           10619        0.000091s               0    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.50s  1.0%           10512        0.000048s             345    0.00s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000004s               0    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                    7.48s 82.4%               3        2.493831s               0    3.84s
CPU time                                       1.04s 11.5%           10619        0.000098s               0    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.56s  6.2%           10544        0.000053s             183    0.01s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000004s               0    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                    7.53s 82.7%               3        2.508483s               0    4.08s
CPU time                                       1.03s 11.3%           10619        0.000097s               0    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.54s  6.0%           10576        0.000051s             170    0.01s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000005s               0    0.00s

SQL*Net message from client                    9.52s 85.8%               3        3.174709s               0    4.91s
CPU time                                       1.01s  9.1%           10619        0.000095s               0    0.00s
db file scattered read                         0.56s  5.1%           10608        0.000053s              99    0.02s
SQL*Net message to client                      0.00s  0.0%               3        0.000004s               0    0.00s

So, even though Oracle can execute multiblock I/O in batches of up to 128 blocks at a time here (on cooked fs), from this output is seems that 8-16 blocks is the optimal? Or is there some other criteria I am missing? Two things to note. One is 1,329 scattered reads, resulted in 10,487 blocks read with dfmbrc=1. How's that? Shouldn't number of I/Os and number of blocks be the same in this case? (or Why there are scattered reads at all?) Second thing is the latency of the PIO calls - they are quite cheap at dfmbrc 1-16 (~10 mcsec), but than become some 5 times more expensive with higher dfmbrc.

Also there is something a bit unusual I think about tkprof output for dfmbrc=1 is (different from the rest) as it shows 2 parse, 2 execute and 4 fetch counts, as well as # of rows returned (everything is doubled). Is this something to do with sqlplus arraysize?

select /*+ full(t) nocache(t) noparallel(t) */ count(1) from
 t_source$ t

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Parse        2      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      2      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        4      1.32       1.32      20969      21238          0           2
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        8      1.32       1.32      20969      21238          0           2

Misses in library cache during parse: 0
Optimizer goal: CHOOSE
Parsing user id: 47 (BORIS)

Rows Row Source Operation

-------  ---------------------------------------------------
      1  SORT AGGREGATE (cr=10619 r=10481 w=0 time=823332 us)
 124979 TABLE ACCESS FULL T_SOURCE$ (cr=10619 r=10481 w=0 time=695494 us)

Rows Execution Plan

-------  ---------------------------------------------------
      1   SORT (AGGREGATE)

 124979 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T_SOURCE$' Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
  Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total Waited
  ----------------------------------------   Waited  ----------  ------------
  SQL*Net message to client                       4        0.00          0.00
  db file sequential read                     10482        0.00          0.12
  SQL*Net message from client                     4        8.14         10.76
  db file scattered read                       1329        0.00          0.10


Boris Dali.

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Author: Boris Dali

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Received on Thu May 15 2003 - 10:51:07 CDT

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